You will recall that on Saturday goats were definitely not where they belonged.
Mayhems I maaaa!
Luke the goat was in the doe pen and when he finally went back to his pen....
Keith the goat was in HIS pen!
Not only Keith, but Rudy the goat was in there too!
Just what was going on at the Farm!?!
Was there something in the water?
I sure don't know.
I was very surprised that Luke did not mind Rudy munching on his hay.
Luke is usually pretty protective of his hay.
And Rudy was eating HUGE mouthfuls of it!
Even Keith was a bit surprised.
But he soon figured he would join the munching party.
THAT'S when Luke took notice.
LUKE'S hay.
They couldn't leave fast enough.
Sometimes it is better to be outside looking in.
Right Rudy?