Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Compete in the Goat Olympics

Just because I am an old goat and a pregnant goat does not mean I cannot be a good Goat Olympics team member for the Happy Goats Farm.
Oh, no!
I entered the Basking in the Sun competition and I think I blew all of the other goats out of the field!
I mean I have been basking in the sun for 13 years now so I not only have style, I have lots of experience.

We were a bit concerned that this event would not be held because of the weather conditions we usually have but lo and behold the sun came out in full force just when we needed it!

I geared myself up and I put in a Gold Medal performance if I do say so myself - just look at me here -

have you ever seen a better bask in your life?
I do a little stretch and scratch to show the judges that I can make that sun glint off of my fur even though it has been a bit warm and we are entering shaggy time around these parts.

You can see the concentration on my face as I work at my best Basking in the Sun performance so I can bring home the gold!

 And you thought basking was all relaxation. Ha!
This is perfect form. I dare you to beat me!

I hope you enjoyed this competition day of the Goat Olympics. It's hard work, but some goat has to do it.

Tomorrow:  Wordless Wednesday


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