Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm Shaking Off Winter To Think About Spring

It's true!
Would you like to know why?
Because the publicist has told me I am going to work as a ReviewGoat again.
While I am feeling lazy these days and don't really want to work I suppose if I get some extra treats it will be worth it.  She just better get something for ME this time or Abby can take over this gig.

But back to Spring.
It's coming you know. At least that's the rumor.
I wouldn't know it from the weather we have been having.
It was 0* degrees this morning.
THAT is chilly.

So I think myself warm by thinking of Spring.
The kids will be here and it will be fun around this Farm again.
I told the publicist that the kids need something to play on.
Something other than us nannies.

We are tired of being jumped on all the time.
I told her we needed swing sets for kids!
Can you imagine how much fun they would have on one of these?

I can see the little goatlings running all over and just having the best time!
I have also seen several videos with kids and big goats having fun on...

Yes, trampolines!
I, of course would never do such a thing.
I have my dignity.
But Abby and the kids would have a blast.

Heh, Abby......

I would like to say Happy Birthday to the publicist's brother Kevin. I hope he has a wonderful day today.

Disclosure:  The publicist will be receiving a gift code to She will hopefully get me something I like to review. She will probably get herself something and make me review it anyway. Harumph!


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