Monday, December 29, 2014


I will tell you none of us were very happy Sunday in all of that snow.
But somegoats AbbyGoat were especially testy.

They did nothing but bark and bellow at the weather.
As if that would make things change.
I will maaaaa you something - the Goat Stare of Death does not work on Mother Nature.

Yes, I am sure about this.
So don't go giving it to me either.
I cannot do anything about the snow or cold.
And trust me - I do not like it either.

You know you don't have to hang your head out like that you silly girl.
You can tuck it inside your goat house.
The publicist did bring nice new, warm hay down to line all of them for us.

So be like Bernadette the goat.
Be smart.
You can do that, can't you?


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