If you are not, Luke the Goat is.
He invited Thelma the goat over to his pen for a date!
(I am sooooooooo jealous - he is MY studmuffin!)
He is such a good date too!
First thing he did was offer her a nice meal.
The very first nibble of fresh hay. With grain on top.
He doesn't stint.
I remember when I was his one and only.
Those were the days.
Thelma enjoyed her meal.
What doe wouldn't?
Luke waited patiently for her to finish.
But I know he wanted to Rhumba.
If he were on Dancing with the Goat Stars he would score all 10s!
It's time for the dance.
We will leave them alone now.
The Rhumba IS the dance of love after all.
You would want to be alone, wouldn't you?
It is Luke's FAVORITE time of year!