Monday, June 3, 2013

Goodbye Rory, Fare Well!

Saturday we maaaed goodbye to Rory the goat.
Abby will tell you more about how she felt about that tomorrow on AbbyDay.
The publicist and I know that he is going to a very good home.

His new human is very excited about him.
She really wanted a black and white goat.
Heaven knows this is the place to find them!

Rory was such a good little kid.
He didn't even maaaa too much about leaving the Farm.
He made it easy for the publicist.

He went right into the carrier and actually started munching on some hay!
He was pretty mellow about the whole thing.

We all watched him leave and then went back to basking in the sun.

Ricky and Rudy wanted some extra luvins but that's OK.
The publicist is all for that!

We will miss little Rory but he is off to a wonderful life on a fantastic Farm!


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