Tuesday, June 4, 2013

AbbyDay - My Little Rory is All Grown Up

It's AbbyDay - the best day of the week. And this is a great week because an AbbyKid has gone out to spread the Abbyness to the world.

I remember when little Rory came into the world.
He was a bit of a push after teeny, tiny Rudy!

Even though he was second born he was the largest of the triplets.
(My first set of triplets - just goes to show how great I am!)

He sure was a cute little guy with all of his white spots.
He was also a very friendly kid.
When his new human came to pick her goat he ran right up to her. She said she fell in love with him right away.
I don't blame her. He has that kind of personality.

I know he is happy at his new Farm even if I miss him.
I always miss my kids when they go out on their own.

But he is a big boy now so he will make friends with the other kid on the new Farm and they will have a good time making up a new herd. There is also a horse to run with - good times for Rory.
Little Rudy will have more access to my rich milk now - maybe he will grow from teeny, tiny to tiny.

Goodbye my Rory.
I will remember you.
We all will.


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