Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Have an Important Job

I know you all know me as the Famous SpokesGoat around these parts but I have another important job. I help the publicist!
It's true!

She hangs her clothes out on an outdoor clothesline. She likes the way the sun drys her clothing. Don't tell her but I like the way sheets taste when they are dried on the line.

But back to my important job.
It is MY job to keep the grass mowed under the clothesline.

As you can see, it's a LOT of grass.

Mmmm, grass.
You know how much I loves me a nibble of fresh, green grass.

Especially if it's mixed with some crunchy pine needles.
It's hard work, you know, but somegoat has to do it.

And I do my best job for the publicist because I love her.
She loves her clean and dry clothes.
She wants to share that with you.

She is having a giveaway for a Sunshine Clothes Dryer on her blog!
You can go over and enter.
But I will warn you - the giveaway does not come with a goat to keep the grass mowed.

You will have to get one of them on your own.
And you most certainly cannot have ME.
I belong to the publicist.
But I'll happily pack up Abby and send her......

Disclosure:  The publicist received her Sunshine Clothes Dryer for free. I just wanted to show you how I do my job to help her. I did not get anything for posting this except some tasty green grass. The publicist really does love her dryer.


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