I am not sure about this.
I had to give my day up TO THE FARM CATS?!
I am now to post on TUESDAYS?
The publicist tried to make it sound important like I would be giving people a kick on the second day of the week and that I would be the very first goat people would see as they got over Mondayitis but I am not fooled.
I am Abbygoat and I am smarter than that.
She gave MY day to the Farm Cats and now she needs to "fit me in" somewhere so she just picked any ole day.
Pfffft again!
WELL! I will just make Tuesday the best day on the blog.
So there!
As you all know I had two of the most beautiful does in the world while I was out on my maternity leave, Thelma and Louise.
I have been teaching them all of the things a goat needs to know to get along in this world.
We were out grazing the other day and I took them to the weed bush so they could play.
They sure enjoyed themselves!
There are rocks to climb and lots of places to hop. It's important they learn to do these things. If they are ever chased they will have the skills to escape
I have smart girls!
Then I showed them how to nibble on bark for the tastiest bits.
I think I look wonderful - I have lost all of my kid weight.
I took the girls to many places this day. It was wonderful to be out in the sun with my kids.
I hope to have many more days like this.
Summer is coming!
I have a very SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!! We have a very special goat friend Isobelle Golightly the Beautiful Goat. She has a blog too! Lately she has told the tale of her lady's little dog, Kezia. Poor little Kezia needs an operation and it's a very expensive one so a lot of us goats on the internet (and some humans too) are getting together to try and help raise some money. So for the next month (from 5/3 to 6/3) 10% of all of Pricilla's soap sales will go towards Kezia's surgery. So now is the time to shop!