Friday, January 14, 2011

AbbyDay - I Have an Announcement! Or Two.

It's AbbyDay!
The best day of the week.
Don't you think?

I have a very special announcement to make.
You have to promise not to tell Pricilla.
She will know soon enough but I want it to be our secret right now.

It's true. 
Well as true and the publicist can tell without a pregnancy test.

I was flirting with Luke the goat...

Isn't he the CUTEST?!

...and the publicist let me have a date.
If all goes well I should have my kid(s) in April.
It will be nice to have a kid or two again.

Sarah the goat might be pregnant too but that is not as important.
Her kid(s) would be due in May.
It will be a hoppy Spring around the Happy Goats Farm.
That's for sure!


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