Friday, December 18, 2009

AbbyDay - It's Crazy Around Here

And I am not talking about the other goats. I am talking about the weather. First we had the week of below zero temperatures. Brrrrr, that was cold!  Then we had some snow. I'm not very fond of snow if you want to know the truth. And now! Now it is warming up a bit and raining. But it is still cold enough in the morning to make it very slippery so we goats - and the publicist for that matter - go slipping and sliding all over the yard. Then it warms and we have mud, mud, mud. Yuck.

This is my opinion...

And that is all I am going to say.

Be sure to check out the publicist's blog for the last day of her giveaway for the book, 7th Heaven by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. I like books - they taste soooo yummy!

Tomorrow: A Sweet Taste of Summer


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