Thursday, July 2, 2009

Harry Wonders - What are They?

Now that Harry is a week old and he has grown a bit and gotten stronger he and Abby have moved into the big pen with the rest of us "girl" goats. I use the quotation marks because of Kevin. He isn't a boy and he isn't a girl but he is in the doe pen so..... Little Harry has also been wethered so he is in Kevin's boat too. That way they can keep each other company when they go to their new Farm.

Now you all know that the chickens are in my goat pen. Some of the chickens are bigger than Harry! He has been exploring the big pen and I think he wonders what those funny animals are.

He has gone over and checked out the chicken tractor.

I have even heard rumors from the male person that he was IN the chicken tractor like another small goat on the Farm. I have not seen this myself but I could have been napping in my goat house. Silly goat.

He has gone around the other side of the chicken tractor and checked out the chickens.

I think he likes hopping on the boardwalk. To a little goat like Harry that is a big hop right now.

As far as I know he hasn't butted any of the chickens but I don't see everything....

Now I must be a SpokesGoat for a minute. The next issue of the newsletter will be going out next week! Hooray! The publicist has an announcement about exciting news for my shop and my rich soap so be sure to sign up if you haven't.


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