Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Blog Award for Us

Well, I am a happy goat! I found out that I have been given a blog award. This must mean I write a good story or something. It is called the Kreativ Blogger Award and it, of course, comes with rules. I need to list 7 things I love and I need to pass it on to 7 people. I have Audrey at Audrey's Country Crafts to thank for this honor. So here goes:

7 Things I like:

1. Apples

2. Blogging

3. Basking in the sun

4. Munching on pine trees

5. My publicist

6. Luke and Michael the goats

7. Grain

I pass this award on to:

All delightful blogs. The only thing wrong with them is that they are written by humans. There are just no other goat written blogs out there so these will have to do.


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