I should not be a greedy goat, I know but the chickens will have plenty to eat without eating my grain. I hope they are not planning to change the name of the farm to Happy Goat and Chicken Farm. I WILL NOT share top billing with a bunch of clucking birds
The chickens will be good for the garden here at the farm as they will eat all the grasshoppers that invade every year. I, for one, will be happy to see the grasshoppers go. I know the publicist will be happy they are gone too. Although it is very funny to hear her screaming all the time when the grasshoppers jump on her. She has a bug thing (some farmer!!!) and screams very, very, very loudly every time she encounters one. Ooooh, and the dance she does when a spider falls on her is REALLY something to behold. It is a shame I cannot hold a camera......but I digress.
So without any further ado I present:
The Rooster in the Goat Pen Soap and
The Chicks All Right by Pricilla Soap.
I like it when my name is in the soap shop. These will be available very soon. They are curing right now in really cool scents like Afternoon Tea, Spring Bouquet and others. You know I will make an announcement when they are available because I am a good spokesgoat.