Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mem'ries - Piny Tree Smelling Mem'ries of the Tree-t That Was*

Mem'ries light the corner of my cud
Piny tree smelling mem'ries of the Tree-t that was

Scattered needles of the branches we left behind
Burps we passed at one another for the Tree-t that was

Can it be that it was all so green and full then
Or has time removed every branch
If we had the chance to eat it all again, tell me would we, 
could we

See me singing?

Mem'ries may be beautiful and yet
What's too empty to remember, we simply chew and forget
So it's the needles we'll remember
Whenever we remember the Tree-t that was

The Tree-t that was.*

This is the state of the Tree-t one week later. 
Obviously we have been enjoying it....

*with all due respect to Marvin Hamlish


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