Monday, April 8, 2013


As you all know, the male person put up some new fence so that there are TWO doe pens now; one for the nannies with kids and one for the rest of us.
When he first put up the new fence a certain cowgoat Louise the goat - I'm not maaaaing any names! - kept getting her head stuck in the new fence. In fact, one day Louise she managed to almost weave her whole body in the new fence! The male person and publicist had to CUT HER OUT!

To solve this problem the male person ran chicken wire around the new fence. You do not want to know what he said as he was putting up ANOTHER set of fence. It was probably a good thing because of the kids - they would fit through the holes anyway.  He didn't have enough to go all the way around but the publicist didn't think it would be a problem. She didn't think the kids would find the small portion without the chicken wire.

What is wrong with this picture?
The male person is laughing at the publicist.

This is Abby's first born.
The teeniest, tiniest kid on the Farm.
He is also the most troublesome adventurous.

Of COURSE he found his way out of the kid pen!
He has been escaping almost since his first day down there.
Since the publicist has blocked his way out through the gate he has found other options.
I think Thelma's kid is impressed.

I think he is coming to visit with ME!
I am his great grandnanny after all.
Certainly not to visit the chickens!

The publicist came in to encourage him back to HIS pen.
Would he figure it out?

Of COURSE he would!
He is one smart kid.
Even if he is small enough to fit through a 4x6" hole.

Silly kid!
But very cute.....


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