Thursday, April 19, 2012

Peep, Peep, PEEP

As you saw yesterday the new chicks have arrived.

InspectorCat Harry was giving them the once over.

That or he was thinking of dinner.
We will never know, will we?

The male person had their little brooder all set for them and he put them in one by one making sure to give them a drink of water first. They had a long ride in their box and they were very thirsty.

Not to mention hungry. They took to their feeder like goats to apples.

Just like every other year their is an "exotic" chicken in the bunch.

Since it is so little the publicist and male person have to guess what kind it is.
Their best guess is an Araucana. These are chickens known for laying "Easter eggs" or eggs that have blue and green tints to the shells.

But most likely this little one is a rooster and will just make a lot of noise.
And attack me.
I do not like being attacked by roosters.
Well, that is a long way off - for now they are just cute little fluffballs.

I hope they enjoy their peephood.


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