Tuesday, March 6, 2012

AbbyDay - I am Pregnant, Beautiful and IN CHARGE!

It is AbbyDay the best day of the week. As you know I think everyday should be AbbyDay - you should all bow down to me. Especially now that I am starting to show.

That's right!
My kids are making their presence known even though I am not due until April.

I assume it's twins in there.
If I'm this big now I HOPE it's not one big, gigantic kid!
That will make for a labor I don't want to have if you ladies out there know what I mean!

I am looking forward to new kids. They are so .....

Excuse me. It's AbbyDay.
What are YOU doing here?
Today is all about ME, ME, ME!

I suggest you go elsewhere.
You will have enough attention on the blog soon enough when your kid hits the world in another week or so.

So go!

What is a goat to do around this Farm to get a bit of attention?!

Now, as I was maaaaing, I am looking forward to having little kids around again.
Thelma and Louise are getting big and will soon be having kids of their own.
I am much too young to be a grandnanny!

Well, my time is done.
It's raining and we are all heading into the barn.


It is not flattering to a pregnant goat.
Stupid paparazzi!

You had better beware....

The AbbyGoat Stare of Death!

I hope you all have a very nice AbbyDay!


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