Monday, July 25, 2011

Dateline Mystery/Happy Goats Farm: MYSTERY SOLVED and a #Giveaway

It's true!
I am an intrepid goat and I was not going to give up until I did!

To celebrate my success I am having a giveaway for my rich soap. I will tell you all about it at the end of my post.

I figured it out when I saw this..

It was THE MALE PERSON who took all the hay!
He moved it so he could bring in even MORE hay.
Isn't he a wonderful male person?!

He went with a friend and brought us 128 bales of hay so we would have plenty to eat this winter.

What would we do without him?
He takes such good care of us!

He and his friend Jim loaded all that hay onto his trailer and then unloaded it into the hay section of the barn.
Now there is so much hay there is no room to climb.
That is a LOT of hay.
Mmmmm, hay.

It is also good to know that none of the goats or my cousin the deer ate all that hay!

So to celebrate I am going to give away THREE BARS of my rich soap.
How do you win?
It's easy!
Just jump on the Rafflecopter!

Disclosure: I am giving away my own rich soap so obviously no one has given it to me!


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