Thursday, April 14, 2011

How Did Brewster Fare?

Before I get to today's post I and all of the goats want to maaaa 
to the male person! He is 60 years old today! 
We are very happy he is here to take care of us!

I left you on Tuesday with little Brewster eating from Luke the goat's pine pile.
What happened next?

You will have to wait for the end of my story.
I am being a sly goat today.

You see, we does also got some yummy tree-t too!
Nora enjoyed it most of all I think.
She nibbled

She munched

She even shared with Sarah!

Nora is VERY fond of pine!
I can't say that I blame her.
It's tasty!

Sarah had to compete with the chickens!

Stupid chickens! They try to eat all of our treats.
But Sarah didn't let that stop her.

No way! She enjoyed her branch.

Now, about Brewster.
Luke the goat was enjoying his spruce.
The boys got some spruce, lucky goats!

When as you saw Brewster STOLE SOME FROM HIS PILE!
The horror!
Luke came trotting right over.
He gave Brewster the goat stare of death!

He started to eat his tree-t!
What did Brewster do?

Silly Brewster!
He started eating Luke's baling twine hat!

I wonder if he thought it would make a good dessert?


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