It's AbbyDay, the best day of the week.
If you ask me EVERY day should be AbbyDay.
If you ask me every day IS AbbyDay.
This is what the publicist usually sees when she comes down to take us to the barn
Yup, goats in a row and one too scared to be in a row.
Sometimes wussy Pricilla gets a little impatient waiting but who cares.
But wait!
One goat is not in a row.
That is because she is a natural born leadergoat.
She is ME!
She is AbbyGoat!
And I am in the front right by the gate,.
Where else would I be?
I would not be at the back of the pack, oh NO, not ME!
Even when we reach the barn door can you guess who is in front?
Of course you can!
Who else!