Thursday, January 27, 2011

Goodbye Mallory and Kringle....We Will Miss You

So Mallory and Kringle are off to their new Farm.
The publicist is very sad. It is always hard for her when she had to make these decisions.
She knows that they will have fun on their new Farm but little Kringle wasn't here very long and he was just getting to the fun stage. She found him doing this yesterday.

Yup, you are right!
He was "surfin' Montana style" on his nanny's back. 
He still needs some practice.

It reminded me (and the publicist) of my Kevin and we both had a sniff.
Oh well, on to my goodbyes to my pen mates.

I know that Mallory and I have not always gotten along.
She had her moments of being a bully goat but I am a gracious goat.

I went to her and gave her a rub goodbye.
I will miss her, sort of.
I think she will miss me....

I wanted her to know that I wish her and little Kringle well at their new Farm.
I will miss watching little Kringle grow up; it has been fun to have a kid this time of year.
I have told you all that.

Now I will just have to look forward to Abby and Sarah's kids - my grandkids.
So fare well, Mallory

and Kringle.

Fare well.
Know that we enjoyed having you here and we will think of you now and again.

Tomorrow Abby will have a retrospective of Mallory's stay at the Farm.


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