Friday, December 17, 2010

AbbyDay - The Publicist Visits the Horses Across the Street

It's AbbyDay and I get to tell you about the publicist's walk.
Not Pricilla.
So there.

On the day it snowed she looked across the street and saw the horses frolicking.
She thought she would try and get some pictures of them playing in the snow but by the time she walked over there this is what they were doing.

They stopped playing!
They did decide that the publicist was not going to hurt them though and Dusty the horse decided to come over and say hello.

Dusty like to have his head scratched.

Hey! I like to have MY head scratched!
After a while the other horse decided to come over and say hello too.

Dusty was not too happy about this.
I think Dusty wanted all of the publicist's attention for himself.
I can't say I blame him for this. I like all the publicist's attention too.

Then a THIRD horse came over to say neigh.

The publicist was very happy because she really likes horses.
NOT as much as she likes goats, though.
I am sure of that!

The horses are pretty and as she left they all stood by the fence wishing she would stay.

We goats do the same thing to her.
It makes her sad. She wants to stay but she has things that have to get done.
The horses soon went back to doing whatever it is that horses do.

Now I, Abby get to announce the winner of the Christmas soap giveaway!
The publicist knows I am smart and can do this right.
Pricilla and I both thank everyone that comes and reads our blog everyday. We really appreciate it. We work hard to make a nice blog for you.

The winner is:  Millie!!!!! Millie can go go to the shop and pick three soaps of her choice.
I decided that since it is AbbyDay I was going to pick another winner to win one bar of rich soap. That winner is:  Pam!!!! Pam can go to the shop and pick one bar of her choice.

Yay for winners! And thank you to everyone who entered. I wish I could send everyone my rich soap but the publicist would banish me to the barn forever!


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