Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our First Snow (This Year)

The weatherman was right and he was wrong. We did get snow but we didn't get the 6 - 12" mentioned. About 2" is what covered our goat pen; just enough to hide our hay piles and make everything cold.  But the publicist is very nice and she brushes the snow off of our favorite places to sit.

We ran down from the barn and into our pen and went right to eating our hay. You can see we are over our fear of the upside down goathouse!

Matthew has even started jumping on top! I hope he doesn't fall through again. There isn't another upside down to use.

I don't like the snow so I just tucked myself in the other goathouse. I am not a dumb goat!

Mallory took up residence in the other one.

Matthew, being young, was out exploring. Silly Matthew!

Abby continued to nibble on the logs. Mmmmm, bark.

Luke was enjoying his hay.

But I think he really wanted out!

Stinky the Farm cat was checking out the garden but it was all covered in snow. Silly Stinky.

The view was certainly pretty.

It is supposed to warm up later in the week so all of the snow will melt away. But I am sure we will have more.

Tomorrow:  Wordless Wednesday


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