Friday, December 4, 2009

AbbyDay - It's Not MY Fault!

It's AbbyDay, you know that's MY favorite day of the week! If it were up to me I would be showing you gorgeous photos of how I look going through my day. The winter sun just lights up my fur and I am S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G.  As I was working this out the publicist said I had to re work my plans for today's blog.

I was an indignant goat! I asked her why?

She just told me "because I said so" and then went off mumbling things about "traipsing around after prima donna goats in below zero weather to take pictures" and then there were words that I can't print in a family blog.

Pfffffffftt to that! This is MY day I should be able to do what I want but without a photographer I am stuck. I don't think it is THAT cold....stupid publicist. I will have to butt her tomorrow and show her who is REALLY boss around here.

So I thought I would reminisce about my kid Harry. I do still think of him and I know all of my fans loved him so we can all enjoy some "oldies but goodies" of little Harry the CowGoat.

He was the cutest little goat kid in the pen - if I do say so myself!

He liked to play with his step-brother Kevin.

He loved to eat - I taught him that! Eating is important to a goat.

And most importantly, he could fly. Well, sort of. Heh heh.

I hope you enjoyed reminiscing with me. Maybe next week the publicist will be erm, warmer and more cooperative.

Tomorrow: All Luke!


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