She warms the milk to 86* and then she adds thermophilic DVI culture. (This is a "Direct Vat Inoculant" that is put into the warmed milk to add necessary bacteria. Themophilic cultures are like those found in yogurt.) It sits for about 10 minutes and then in goes the diluted rennet. You remember that from last week, right?
Now the milk sits for 45* to curd up. That is my phrase. I am sure there is something more technical like coagulate but I like curd up. Then the publicist cuts the curds and lets them rest. After that she has to stir them. They look like this when she starts.
She has to stir for 40
This happens three times with the pressure increasing by 5lbs each round. (This is before the pressure gauge is put on.)
Then the cheese sits in the press overnight at 20lbs of pressure. At the last changing the cheese looks like this...
This is as far as the publicist has gotten. The cheese has several more steps to go through and then it gets waxed. That will be Part II of this Goatucation and it will be next Monday's post. I hope you are enjoying all of these cheesemaking stories. The publicist and male person sure do enjoy eating the cheese made from my rich milk.
Tomorrow: The girls get frisky - postponed from Sunday when the publicist was