Thursday, August 20, 2009

When Did We Get a Third Spool for the Doe Pen?

You never know what is going to happen on the Happy Goats Farm. Each day brings a surprise. For example: just the other day the male person was quietly drinking his coffee and he heard noises from outside. He looked out the window and he saw this

He started to wonder when the doe pen acquired a third spool! He knows he only put two spools in there. Where did this third spool come from? He decided he better get a closer look.

Oh my! That's not a spool - it's the publicist! How did this happen?!

There is a goat on her back!

A small white goat!

Kevin the goat to be exact!

WHAT is he doing there?

The male person asked the publicist what was going on and she told him that she was petting her two little goats - she loves to pet her little babies. Then Abby came over to be pet so she bent down to scratch her ears and all of a sudden there was a goat on her back!

That Kevin - what a silly kid.

Then he started to eat her hair!

The publicist is not a goat snack!

My heavens!

Little Harry thought this whole thing was quite amusing. I am not sure that he would not have leaped onto the publicist's back had he been given the chance.

What will happen next in the doe pen?

I have no idea!

But tomorrow is AbbyDay and you know that ANYTHING is possible on AbbyDay.

The publicist has straightened up now and would like to remind you that she has TWO giveaways going on over at her blog; one for earrings and a gift certificate and one for custom postcards (with TWO winners!). Why not hop on over there and check them out?


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