Monday, May 18, 2009

AbbyDay - Looking Back

I get to make the big announcement!!
Me! Abby!

THE WINNER OF THE NEWSLETTER GIVEAWAY IS: Cici&Heather!!! It has been announced in the very first newsletter which I hope has been received in good order. Along with our very first NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBER ONLY SPECIAL!!!!

HOORAY!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who signed up for Pricilla's newsletter. I hope you all enjoyed the first issue. And I am sure they are going to enjoy THREE BARS of my rich soap!

Now on to my AbbyDay post. I will soon be going on my maternity leave. I am going to take longer than Pricilla. I am not some work goat. I am not going to just take two weeks and have that be it. Oh no! I deserve better than that. I will come back when I am good and ready.

I have been thinking back to when my first kid was born; little Nora. She doesn't live here on the Farm any longer. She moved to another Farm when she was three months old. I was sad but it didn't bother me for too long. I know she is happy on her Farm and she has Pricilla's kid Sarah for company. And she will soon have little Kevin joining her. He will keep her hopping - heh heh!

Nora was very cute when she was born. Almost all black with just that little white spot on her head.

She loved to go out for walks. I taught her how to graze like any good mother does.

She learned very well and grew into a very cute kid.

I gave her lots of licks and was quite comfortable sending her off to her new Farm.

I must, of course, close this post with a photo of me! It wouldn't be AbbyDay if I didn't!

Now just because the giveaway is over doesn't mean that you shouldn't still consider signing up for the newsletter if you already did not. There will be news and notes not posted to the blog and discounts and specials for newsletter readers ONLY. How cool is that?


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