He has bestowed upon me the HONEST SCRAP AWARD which according to his blog is described as: "this award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blogs content or design is, in the giver's opinion, brilliant." Well, wow! I have never been called brilliant before so this goat is quite humbled and happy. I thank you John.
My second award - and I can't believe I really have two! - comes to me from agoodwitchtoo at Copper Cauldron Soaps. She has a really fun blog that I read regularly. She has given my the Kreativ Blogger Award. Woo hoo! I am very pleased.
My second award - and I can't believe I really have two! - comes to me from agoodwitchtoo at Copper Cauldron Soaps. She has a really fun blog that I read regularly. She has given my the Kreativ Blogger Award. Woo hoo! I am very pleased.

I am supposed to pass these awards on but I am going to keep them because I am a selfish goat. At least I am right now. I am going to blame it on the hormones! I do thank my grantors for these lovely awards. Can either one of you do anything to bring on my kids? I am really getting tired of waiting....
Oh, I also wanted to thank Nanny Goats in Panties for posting my photo of Michael and Luke doing their "buck thing" on her blog. She writes a really great blog and you all should go read it. She is not a goat but I think she should be an honorary one.