Friday, March 6, 2009

Feature Friday - Artisan Jewelry Designer Brandi from CatiesBlue

It's that time again! Yes, when I become a rogue spokesgoat; I do love the sound of that. It makes me sound so tough. You can't imagine how un-tough a dwarf goat really is - especially a very pregnant dwarf goat - so I will take these things where I can find them. Today I am going to introduce you to a very lovely lady named Brandi. She makes gorgeous artisan jewelry full of beautiful color. I am so inspired I may even go get my ears pierced! What do you think? Would I look good around the goat pen wearing these?

They are called the Lilly Earrings and you can even design your own pair! How cool is that? You could have a wardrobe of handmade earrings to fit your every need. I would just have to worry about Abigail trying to eat them.

I am also partial to the Celia Earrings. I guess you have noticed that I like pieces that look like flowers. Hmmmm, I hope I don't try and eat them! That is the trouble with us goats, we like to munch on things we really shouldn't.

But I know my readers. You will be good. You will appreciate the beauty in Brandi's artisan jewelry and wear it as it is supposed to worn; as adornment, not snack! So go to CatiesBlue and check out all the beautiful, colorful jewelry. Brandi also has a shop on Artfire and writes a very interesting blog named Brandi Girl. I don't just write a blog - I do read others too. I am a well rounded goat. No pregnancy jokes, PLEASE!


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