Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's a Cat's Life?

I came in the trailer to type up the blog and what did I see? Pumpkin the cat looking like she owned the place. I thought we goats had it good but now I am starting to wonder. Pumpkin was sitting in the publicist's chair looking quite comfortable and I have heard it said that she doesn't move when the publicist wants to sit down! Can you imagine such a thing?! I mean really; I would think the cat would give up the seat but no! She just looks at the publicist like the publicist is crazy (which if you ask me she is but that is a tale for another blog post.)

I don't get to go in and sit in the publicist's chair like that. Although I think it would be pretty hard for all of me to fit right now. I have to admit that I am getting rather large these days - but it is all kid! Or I should say kids. I usually have twins. But if the cats get to lord it over the publicist why don't the goats? Is this really fair? Perhaps I should call some kind of goat council and see what the others have to say. Hmmmm, but I would have to include Abby in that and I am not sure I would want to let Abby have anything special......I will have to ruminate on this.

What do you think? Do you think the publicist's cats have it better than her goats? I mean we do get extra grain and all those apples. And lots of tail scratches and head pats. Maybe I am jumping to conclusions. Let me know your thoughts and I will post mine later.


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