Friday, February 27, 2009


We goats are naturally curious creatures which can sometimes get us into trouble. But most of the time it just creates great photo opportunities. I have seen photos of goats in trees, goats in hay piles (Michael - I am talking about you!) but I think this is going to be the grand debut of a goat in a foundation window. Has anyone else out there ever seen anything like this?

That is little Sarah checking out the foundation of the publicist's new house. Even Abby had to check things out and see that the workers were doing a good job.

Given that the house is now almost finished I suspect that the workers did do a good job in spite of Abby's supervision. Sometimes I wonder if we goats are just plain crazy; and I do include myself in that statement. This is what the publicist's house looks like now. I think it is very cool but I am also glad I get to live in my barn.


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