Friday, May 20, 2011

Farm Cat Friday - The Yurt Has Been INVADED!

The publicist tells me this is not unusual.
She tells me it happens every year around this time.
But this is the first year that we Farm cats have been living in the yurt at this time of year so to us it feels like an INVASION.

An invasion of what you ask?
Noisy, peeping CHICKS!

And we can't even play with them!
The male person built a big box with a lid so we can't get in with them and eat them pet them. 
Can you believe it?

I was the first to check them out.

Then Harry figured out something was going on and he joined me.

I have to admit I wasn't to sure about them at first and let Harry get closer.

He jumped right up on the big box!

He is adventuresome, that Harry!

I looked from the freezer 'cause I didn't want to get yelled at by the male person.

But he didn't yell at Harry!
Not even when Harry checked out the box the chicks came in - they come in the mail you know.

Boy, is that Harry brave!
Then Pumpkin decided to see what was in the big box.

He didn't care all that much and just went on with his day.
Not Harry, though.

He spent most of the day just watching his dinner new friends.
I wonder what they think of him?
Especially this years exotic chick...

A White Crested Black Polish.
The publicist is very excited about this chicken.
She has always wanted what she calls a "hairy" chicken. It will look like this when it gets bigger...

 Image from HERE
For now she says it looks like a chick with a cotton ball glued to its head.

I think the publicist is a little bit silly.
Harry is STILL watching the chicks.
I think Harry is a little bit silly.

Stinky did not care one bit.


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