Monday, May 7, 2012

Meet My Friends Monday - Sparkle

It's time for another Meet My Friends Monday!
Today I am proud to introduce another of my cat friends.
It is true that I have been know to send a cat or two flying but that does not mean I don't like cats. I just like them at a distance.

Sparkle is a SuperStar cat!
It's true!
She works very hard to help save lots of kitties. Sparkle does not like to see kitties without forever homes. She does not like to see kitties in shelters. She does not like to see kitties being abused. (Neither do any of us on the Farm!)
She donates her green papers to help them get good food and to help them get operations if they need them. She is a generous cat!

She encourages her many readers to help them too!

She is also a Famous Author!
Did you know that cats can write books?
Hmmm, I eat books. I do not make money by EATING books, perhaps I should write books like Sparkle's Dear Sparkle and Dear Sparkle, Advice from One Cat to Another. She is so smart!

Sparkle also offers her sage advice once a month on her blog, Sparklecat.
I think all of you cats out there should go can check out her advice. Everyone else should just check out Sparkle! She is one clever cat!


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