Sunday, June 5, 2011

All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Goat

Somegoat thinks she is going to a party.
She is all decked out in feather.

I don't know where Nora the goat thinks this party is, but she is ready!
I think the touch of red is lovely against her black fur.

It makes a strong fashion statement to only wear ONE feather, doesn't it?

But I think Nora can carry it off.
She is a fashiongoatsta!

She attracted so much attention for her fashion forward style that she finally got tired of all the paparazzi and had to escape by hiding under the male person's truck.

She finally turned her head away so they would leave her alone. They are very stubborn!

This was after the Goat Stare of Death failed to work on all of the photographers.

I would not have kept taking pictures after that, would you have?
I also do not think that rooster is going to take that feather away from her.

She is going to keep her adornment.
She is a stylin' goat.

KEZIA UPDATE:  I just wanted to let everyone know that little Kezia is doing fine after her surgery. You can read about it on Isobelle's blog. With the 10% of soap sales and some extra from Claire and Lucky Nickel and the publicist I sent $50.00 towards her surgery yesterday as the fundraiser ended on 6/3.  I want to thank everyone who bought my rich soap to help Kezia!!!


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